Friday, September 3, 2010

The Other Hand

Just when you’re beginning to despair with your holiday reading, a book like this comes along.

The author/publisher expressly asks you not to give away what happens in the plot, and although the book has been out for around two years now, I feel I will heed this advice.

The two women spoken of on the back of the book are Little Bee and Sarah. Bee is a refugee from Niger, who has spent a while in one of the refugee detention centres in England, whereas Sarah is a young widow with a four year-old son, who thinks he’s batman.

Both these women have secrets that are revealed as the novel progresses. This book is heartbreaking but brilliant all at the same time. It deals fully with the issue of asylum seekers and refugees in the United Kingdom, and also with the horrors faced by people across the world-especially poignant in reflection to the recent horrifying story of the mass rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo near the United Nations’ base there.

If you haven’t yet read this book, you absolutely must.

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