Friday, September 17, 2010

Less Than Glee-Ful

EDIT-This post was due to be published on Friday, but my computer is failing me.

I don't really have anything to say today. I've finished Behind the Scenes at the Museum, so a review of that is currently pending, but I'm hesitant to say too much as I'll be going over it again, kind of, in class.

So I guess I'll go with a little thing that has bothered me. Glee is an awesome TV programme. I love it. I also love the music. The producers, obviously seeing $$ signs have released Glee-The Music Volume 1, Glee-The Music Volume 2, Glee-The Showstoppers, Glee-The Power of Madonna and Glee-The Journey to Regionals. ALL from Season One.

You would think after the success of all five of these albums the producers would concentrate on the production of the albums for season two. But no. Oh no. You can get your hands on every single track from Glee. Now, I was mega-excited about this. It was on iTunes....and I clicked on he logo....and saw this:


EIGHTY POUNDS (nearly)!? I nearly died. I will not be buying it-I don't have the money to-but it makes me wonder how many people will somehow manage to afford to buy it. I'm hoping it will maybe get reduced.

But in the spirit of ending things on a good note (literally) here's Matthew Morrison and Kristin Chenoweth's performance of 'One Less Bell to Answer/A House is Not a Home'. I adore it.

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