Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

1) Stick to this one blog. Perhaps try and work out how to make it look more interesting.

2) Work hard-hard-hard for AS-Levels in summer

3) Keep standing up for what I believe, try not to worry continouly about what other people will think
4) Apply for work experience at the local newspaper

5) Learn to cook recipies from cookbook given for Christmas

6) Make cupcakes from other recipie book for everyone's birthdays (:

7) BUT try and eat more healthily-stop snaking on flapjacks before work

8) Stop procrastinating when I should be doing homework/revision/etc

9) Try and see more theatre....pray that train fares get cheaper

10) Stop beating myself up about things that happened over half a year ago

These are going here so I don't have an excuse to forget them.

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