Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rod and Ricky's Wedding Album

Sunday, July 24 was the first day same-sex couples could be legally married in the state of New York.  Broadway's first couple to take full advantage of the new law was Avenue Q's Rod and Ricky.  They were married just prior to last Sunday's matinee.  Here, courtesy of Playbill Online and photographer Peter James Zielinski is a "wedding album" to commemorate the historic, joyous occasion.

July 24, 2011

(TOP) Rod and his right-hand man, Howie Michael Smith
(BOTTOM) Ricky and his best man, Jed Resnick

The Wedding Party waits for their turn at City Hall!
Kate Monster and her best friend, Jennifer Barnhart.
Jed Resnick, Groom-to-Be Ricky,
Howie Michael Smith and Groom-to-Be Rod

It's almost time!  All those performances of
Avenue Q together must help the pre-wedding jitters.
They all look so happy and calm!

Best Men Jed Resnick and Howie Michael Smith and
bridesmaids Jennifer Barnhart and Kate Monster
look on as Officiant Amy Hausman performs
Rod and Ricky's marriage ceremony.

As Rod and Ricky move one step closer to wedded bliss,
Kate Monster daydreams that one day
it will be her and Princeton at the altar.

Officiant Hausman presents the newlyweds
with their Certificate of Marriage.

Will Kate Monster catch the bouquet?

Rod must be pleased - a conservative blue sash marks
the special day for NY's very first same-sex puppet
married couple.  Their best men are all smiles, too!

Those AQ boys never turn down a photo op.

Rod, Ricky and Kate Monster discuss
equality for all citizens - be they human,
puppet or monster - live on CNN.

The happy couple poses for one last shot.  Look at those rings!

Rod and Ricky share a quiet moment together
before they start their new lives as husbands.
And what better way to start than a performance
of the show that brought them together -
Avenue Q!

And who doesn't record their wedding these days?  Here is the whole ceremony!


Avenue Q continues its record-breaking run at New World Stages.  Congratulations to all of NY's newest married couples!

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