Thursday, July 7, 2011

BROADWAY BLOG: Day By Day: The Godspell Blog

When it comes to other theatre blogs, I'm pretty choosy about the ones I follow.  You'll notice that there is a list of just 8 that I follow closely to your right.  You'd think there would be more, considering how many of us there are out there.  But very few fit my simple criteria: knowledge about theatre, the ability to express an opinion with back up (whether I agree or not!), and an overall passion for whatever the topic at hand is.

Ken Davenport

One of the blogs I love is written by a New York theatre producer, Ken Davenport, the man behind such Broadway shows as Oleanna and the upcoming revivals of A Few Good Men and Godspell.  He tells it like it is, has a sense of humor about it, and is completely practical.  He is also behind the most recent addition to my blog following list, a blog devoted to the behind-the-scenes details of bringing Godspell to its first preview on Broadway, October 13, 2011.

The Godspell Logo

The occasion was the 100th day prior to that first preview, and Mr. Davenport decided to launch a separate blog to allow theatre fans a chance to see what it takes to bring a show in.  He promises 100 days of decision-making, insider information, and lots of how-to.  Today will be day 98 - it started Tuesday.  In the two days so far, he's introduced the advertising/promotions team, who decided about a huge Times Square billboard (it'll be near The Phantom of the Opera), and talked about the minute decisions he faces in choosing a t-shirt maker and merchandiser.  It may or may not sound all that glamorous to you, but as a lover of all things theatre, I am enticed by the idea of learning from someone who actually DOES theatre!  At the very least, I'll gain an appreciation for all those hundreds of small decisions that are made before anyone even steps foot in the Circle in the Square Theatre for the first Broadway preview of Godspell.

To find out all about this new blog, click HERE.
To find out about Davenport's regular blog, click HERE.

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