Friday, July 8, 2011

Broadway Game: A Second Logic Puzzle

A few weeks ago, I tried to give you what you asked for - a Broadway-themed logic puzzle.  And apparently, you were happy!  Thanks to those of you who took the time to even try, let alone complete that tricky puzzle.  And as always, thanks to all of you who wrote in with comments and suggestions.

Well, here is another one for you to try - and thanks to Shelley Z. of New Castle, Delaware for coming up with this suggestion for a scenario!


Five pairs of college students from a fine arts college (including Nannette) decided to take in some Broadway shows between classes during their conference in New York City.  One of the shows they saw was Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.  They all got their tickets a different way - one pair even paid full price at the box office. Because each couple was on a different class schedule, they all had to attend a different performance that week before returning home Saturday night.  Using the clues and the grid below, figure out who went to the show together, how they got their tickets, what show they saw,and which performance they attended.

Fill in the grid like this:

  1. Across the top, left to right, the topics are: College Girl, Tickets, Show, Performance.
  2. Down the side, top to bottom, the topics are: College Guy, Performance, Show, Tickets
  3. The contents of each topic (IN THIS ORDER) are:
  • College Guy: Bobby, Charlie, Don, Edwin and Frank
  • College Girl: Millie, Nanette, Ophelia, Paula and Rose  
  • Tickets: Box Office, Hotel Concierge, Lottery, Online, and TKTS
  • Show: Billy Elliot, Ghetto Klown, Hair, Master Class, and Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark
  • Performance: Tuesday evening, Wednesday matinee, Thursday evening, Friday evening, and Saturday matinee

  1. One couple that saw the only new musical that has opened so far this season won their tickets, while the other couple who saw a revival picked their seats on Meanwhile, Edwin went directly to the box office of this non-musical hit show.
  2. One pair purchased tickets at TKTS and saw the mid-week matinee of Billy Elliot.
  3. Edwin took his female companion, who is not Paula, to the Saturday matinee.
  4. Millie and her male friend, who is neither Bobby nor Don, got tickets to their show by winning the lottery.
  5. Bobby and his girlfriend attended a weekday evening performance of this season’s first play revival.
  6. Ophelia, who saw a musical, attended the Friday evening show with her fiancée, Charlie.
  7. Rose, an aspiring operatic soprano, didn't mind paying the hotel extra for 3rd row center seats for her show.
  8. All of that standing outside in Times Square gave Don a sunburn, but he and his gal got to go inside that afternoon soon after. Frank was flying high after his show that early weekday night, and he and his girl told the rest of their friends that it was worth taking a chance - they got pretty good seats that were priced just right for college students!

Good luck!  Answers will be given in next week's (July 11 - 17) TheatreScene!


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