Friday, March 18, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

(Thanks to Lauren)

1. The best deal I've ever gotten is...I'm a bit useless in keeping track of this kind of thing! Although recently, work had a double discount day (so 40% off) and I picked up a few nice things in that. Today the only book shop in my town had a 50% off everything closing down sale (gah), most of which had already been reduced, which meant that I got five books for only £9; which is wonderful considering on my birthday I brought four books for nearly £40 in Waterstones.

2. If I were hosting a dinner party and could invite people from my fantasy guest list it would include...Gosh, I never know how to answer this question! I'd say Stephen Sondheim for series wit and hopefully to extend on the stories in Finishing the Hat; and Andrew Lloyd Webber because I'd love to see how those two men got on. Barack Obama, because he's fascinating, and Alistair Campbell because I think he's really interesting, even if he's a spin doctor. Oh, and Carey Mulligan because she seems wonderfully down-to-earth. Plus my close family and friends. And Jamie Oliver to cook nice relaxed food.

3. Something that inspires me is...other people. I feel constantly surrounded by brave, fashionable, intelligent, funny people who inspire me to do better.

4. If I could only choose to eat one flavor of food for the rest of eternity (sweet, salty, spicy, bitter....) I would have to go with...Argh! Well, I really hate salt; I don't even have it on chips so not that. I also have a massive sweet tooth, so not being able taste that would be hideous, but it wouldn't be very healthy to live off that forever. Spicy? Because then I could still eat cinnamon...right?

5. I dream about...the future. My dream job changes pretty much every day...right now I'm really intrigued by international security. Also, travelling far away.

6. My weekend will be spent...chilling out tomorrow, possibly actually going through the rather large chest in my room to sort out whatever I've got in there. On Sunday, I'll be working for four hours (as per usual) at work; possibly also some driving theory practice in there as well.

7. If I could only watch one movie or TV show for the rest of my life, it would be...I think...The West Wing seven series of wonderful witty characters and dialogue. Or maybe even Gossip Girl due to its lovely froffy substance.

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