Friday, March 25, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

(Thanks to Lauren)
1. My most prized possession is...Either my iPod, without which I feel a little lost...more so than without my laptop; or perhaps the scary amount of Tiffany's I recieved for my birthday. All of which I'm terrified to take off in case they mysteriously get lost between my wrist and the dressing table.

2. If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be...ha, I don't really think I've had enough of my life to be able to choose! Being 13-14 was perhaps my favourite age, where I was surronded by lovely friends. I quite like being the age I am now, with more independence arriving at last. However, I think being in my late teens/20s will be better. Hopefully.

3. The best way to spend a weekend is...With friends, I really really miss weekends which were that. Two days of just relaxing, occassionally going shopping, or going to the cinema.

4. My outlook on life is...Gosh. I guess I'd describe myself as realistic..others would probably say pessimistic. Although, at the minute, I'm incredibly optimistic about the future, going to university and potential post-uni things are really motivating me right now.

5. If you want to annoy me, just really, really loud and attention-seeking; nothing makes me more angry! Apart from maybe people cracking their knuckles *shudder*

6. I am completely defenseless when it comes to...books that are on offer/low price (I've just found a site where you can the complete works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez for TEN POUNDS [$16?])

7. When dressing for the day one should...wear whatever you feel comfortable in :)

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