Friday, March 4, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. The phrase or punctuation I overuse most is...I overuse smiley faces, and I think I probably use 'indeed' too much in writing; and apparently I say 'like' a lot.

2. Today I am thankful parents, 4oD via YouTube and the fact that the sun is out and the sky is blue.

3. My best friend is...I don't think I specifically have a best friend. To be honest, I prefer friendships that are close...but not as close as a 'best friend' situation can be; I've had some pretty bad experiences due to friendships that were too tight that fall apart, and I like the fact that my friends are there for me and are supportive, but they don't feel the need to spend every second of every day together.

4. A quirky thing about me is...I have a habit of buying numerous pairs of addition to having nude & black ones, I've got grey, pink, red, blue, oat, brown and more colours. I have no idea when I intend to wear them all.

5. This weekend I...turn eighteen. I'm more scared than excited by this. But it does mean that I'm heading to London with my friends on Sunday, and I'm going out for dinner with my family tonight. So that's nice.

6. Something that worries me is...the Future. With a capital F. I have no real plan for it, and as someone who kind of likes order, that scares me.

7. On my night stand you would find...A mug with tea in, clock/radio, photo frame, driving theory book (in the hope that I'll read it), copies of Elle, copies of Vogue, Possession by AS Byatt and the journals of Sylvia Plath

Thanks to Lauren.
Happy Weekend :)

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