Monday, February 14, 2011

Fill in the Blank...Tuesday

I'm tempted to do a couple of these 'meme' type blog entries, just because I feel that there isn't enough of me coming through on these pages. Whilst, of course, this blog is a marker of my tastes and opinions on films, books, TV and sometimes music, I'd also like it to be a kind of marker of my opinions generally-so I can look back at it in a couple of years and remember what my thought processes were.

This is originally a 'Fill in the Blank Friday', started by Lauren, whose blog I have only just rediscovered. So here we go:

1. The TV show/website that I watch/read that I would be embarrassed to tell anyone about is...To be honest, I don't really watch that much 'embarrassing' TV, purely because I don't really enjoy reality shows. Maybe Snog Marry Avoid would fit into this category, but I'm not embarrassed about it because I think it has good intentions. My friends view Glee as being worth of mocking; but I think it's just a fun indulgence, same with Gossip Girl. Internet-wise, I'm embarrassed that I'm so addicted to social-networking, but so are the majority of people my age.

2. An item of clothing that is worn & torn but that I love far too much to throw away...I had to think about this one for a little bit, as I don't really allow my clothes to get 'worn & torn' but I would guess that my pairs of jeans, that are stupidly frayed, but they're really comfortable. I also still own my three pairs of jodhpurs from riding, that I haven't done in about 2 years, but I'm still holding on to, in case university has a society, or I'm ever called upon to dress up as a jockey.

3. My grocery store impulse buy is...I don't grocery shop, yet. But I can guess that when I'm older, it'll be basically anything that is bad for me. Reese's Pieces are something I cannot even resist now. And if grocery stores sell magazines, then...that will be what I spend excessive amounts of money on.

4. Something I do at work to pass time that I wouldn't want my co-workers to know about is...When being stood on the fitting rooms for four hours, I have counted the amount of lights in the store (like, 88); plus I quite frequently shop in my head when I'm supposed to be putting stock back.

5. One thing in my life that I could give up, but never will is...Facebook, there are times when I go on it and I feel like shouting SHUT UP at my screen. But it's an annoyingly handy way of getting in touch with people quickly/spending time stalking people.

6. A little indulgence that I have is...Whenever I've had a good/bad day, and am carrying money in my purse, and I'm killing time before the bus, I buy myself a book. I have a stupid 'to-read' list now.

7. The junk drawer/area in my house is...My personal one is in my bedside table; the main drawer is downstairs in the kitchen-but my Mum keeps it so tidy it's probably quite hard to tell it's a junk drawer.


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