Friday, February 25, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

(Credit to Lauren)

1. I am currently obsessed with...Goodreads; seriously, the site is kind of addictive. It virtually allows you to stalk people's bookshelves; and I think books give a lot away about a person, although I'm too much of a wimp to actually 'friend' people from blogs/YouTube. Plus, it's helped me realise just how many books I already own that I haven't read, so hopefully will curb my book-buying habits a little.

2. Today I am...happy & nervous because...I'm happy because I've finally hit my stride with my English coursework, and should get it finished today, which will leave me 'free' to do the other work I've had to do this holiday. Nervous? Because I have to ring my work to check when I'm in and, although this sounds kind of pathetic, I really dislike ringing them, because they always act like checking the rota is the hardest thing anyone has asked them to do.

3. The age I am is...17 (18 soon) and the age I feel is...older and younger than this at the same time. I feel older in that sometimes I look at what people my age are doing and can't quite believe the self-centered-ness (not a word) of their actions and often I come out with things that I know make me sound about fifty. But on the other hand, I still don't feel entirely ready to leave home-I want to, but I'm not sure how I'll be-and I feel like I haven't done enough to be saying that I'm 18.

4. My favourite place bedroom, or Moraira, Spain, where I've spent numerous summer holidays with my family since the age of about six.

5. Something I have been procrastinating is...Said English Coursework. I'll get back to it in a second...

6. The last thing I purchased was...The Brit Awards 2011 Album. Kind of disappointed at the lack of artists on there, especially people like Arcade Fire, Laura Marling etc who actually won awards. But at least now it'll seem like I have a clue about what's going on in music-wise

7. The thing I love most about my home is...My room...and, I guess the fact that it's generally quite a happy place to be.

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