Friday, February 18, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

Another Friday (actually on a Friday), thanks to Lauren.

1. I am...
bad at answering really open questions! I'm Amy, I'm 17 (18 in about...10 days?) and I'm currently waiting for my brother to finish in the bathroom, so I can wash my hair.

2. The bravest thing I've ever done was...I'm not very brave, to be honest. I would guess maybe taking a step back when an old friendship began to turn slightly toxic. It was the scariest thing I'd done, but I'm (kind of) happy that I made this step.

3. I feel prettiest when...I'm wearing one of my summery dresses; they make me feel instantly happier, and I think I feel happier in how I look when I'm in a good mood, if that makes sense?

4. Something that keeps me awake at night is...looming school deadlines. I'm not very good with having a lot of work going on at the same time, which isn't great at the moment where I've got one piece of English coursework, two pieces of History coursework and two RS essays to write over the coming half term.

5. My favourite meal in the entire world is...Gosh, I love food so it's hard for me to do this! I love enchiladas, cobbler (a stew thing that has like a dumpling crust), stir-frys and Ask's seafood ravioli, which is delicious. But; I think the thing that makes a meal are the people you're eating with, and for that reason I'd say that Pizza Hut food goes quite high on my list as I've had a lot of great meals there with my friends. Oh and Nandos....I said I liked food.

6. The way to my heart is...being genuine, funny and understanding

7. I would like happy. Find something that fills me with happiness to do, and do it.

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