Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding Links

So, in case you've been living under a rock, today is the wedding day of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Leaving all political views aside, it's undeniable that today is probably a pretty big historical event, and so I thought that I'd put aside a post for it. Fortunately many people on the internet have gotten into the celebration, and I thought I'd share some of the links I've found.

1. 17 musicals where a prince marries a commoner
In celebration of the Royal Wedding, Thos and Tim from Musical Talk discus seventeen musicals, from Gilbert & Sullivan's The Mikado to the rather hilarous in its awfulness Princess Diana-The Musical where a prince marries a 'commoner', as well as talking about a lot of near misses.

2. 5 ballet weddings from hell
Because after all the love, you need some grounding, and the people at The Ballet Bag have put together some clips of weddings gone wrong-but with lovely dancing.

3. Chick Lit's Royal celebration
The blog Chick Lit Reviews has had an entirely wedding themed week; reviewing books that feature weddings, running a feature on how to get your own prince and interviews with authors that have written books about weddings.

4. The Blogger's Royal Wedding celebration
One of my favourite fashion bloggers, Michelle at Daisybutter, here posts what she would wear on a High Street or a Designer budget to a wedding; and at the bottom of the post you can find

5. 10 of the Best Wedding Films
So there are some strange inclusions (Made of Honour?!?), but any excuse to watch Four Weddings & A Funeral is a good one

6. Rosianna's tips on how to celebrate the wedding
I love Rosianna's (a.k.a missxroja) vlogs, and this one is just as fun.

7. The best wedding entrance dance ever.
The original, and the best. Ripped off by T-Mobile.

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