Thursday, July 22, 2010

The End of Year 12

I cannot believe that this year has gone by so quickly. I tend to think of things in terms of academic year (September-July) as opposed to calender year, and this one has gone so, so fast.

Being in sixth form has been crazy, the benefits (NEVER HAVING TO DO MATHS AGAIN, no uniform [kind of], free periods) have occasionally been outweighed by the negatives (so. much. work; so much. pressure; teachers that insist on still treating us like five year olds), but all in all it has been an amazing experience.

I know I've grown up a lot over the past year and changed a lot, I think for the better. I'm no longer afraid of voicing my opinion, I have actually stood up and given presentations in front of people without wanting to faint, I've got a job which (despite the fact I am constantly told I am rubbish at) has helped me gain confidence and I have some great old & new friends who are happy to let me be exactly who I am, as opposed to who they want me to be.

So, here are some brief things that happened/things you should know about Year 12.
  • Believe people when they say there is a huge leap between GCSE and A-Level. I didn't and for the first few lessons I didn't get the fuss-then the work piled (and piled) on
  • So it helps to be organised-get a planner, learn time management, try and prevent procrastination (something I am awful at).
  • Try and put aside some time each day for school work. I know it sounds uncool, but it is so helpful. I stay after school from 3.40 until 5 as I get a lift home with my Mum and since I started doing that I got so much more done
  • If you can, take the AQA Extended Project. Its basically a research piece of anything you like, mine was on theatre and I really enjoyed doing it.
  • I got a job this year. Although there are times when I really, really don't enjoy it and I occasionally miss my weekends; I think recently I've come out of my shell and have met some really fun people.
  • Having a job = having my own money. Before I got £20 a month from the parents, and now I have my own supply I feel so much more independant.
  • I saw a production of Rent, one of my favourite musicals. Even if it was a youth amateur theatre group that did it, it was really really good
  • I also saw Les Miserables, which was wonderful!!
  • I visited three universities, all of which were very different, but it was so interesting to finally see what they are really like
  • I went to London with a friend and stayed there overnight, and it was great
  • Whilst in London, I went to the Royal Albert Hall, which was also amazing. And now, when the Proms are on, I can say 'I'VE BEEN THERE!'
  • Also went to Alton Towers with the friends, and went on Nemisis (the big ride I didn't go on first time round) and came off unable to walk in a straight line. Was going to brave Thirteen but it was BROKEN.
  • I've made friends with lots of new people to school, which is great (:
  • I also actually *speak* to a lot more people in my year than before-especially within my English and French class
  • I'm a member of Amnesty and I can stand up and debate in front of total strangers and not get (too) toungetied
  • I leafleted for the Liberal Democrats in the election
  • I ate a some of a blue pancake

I'm sure so many more things happened along the way. Despite the stress, this year has been so, so much better than either Year 10 or Year 11, especially once I hit about February, I'd been feeling down about stuff that happened at the start of our super long 2009 holiday, and I finally managed to pull myself together.

Year 13 is even more big and scary. It will be my last ever year of school. And that is terrifying! But! I have a month, a week and a bit before I have to go back and I plan on relaxing as much as possible this holiday (:

(PS. Totally different tone in this entry to the reviews, right? I was going to do a deeper blog, but really, this year has been too nice to get deep into anything!)

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