Monday, April 12, 2010

Must Try Harder...

To keep the blog going. Only its hard when my life is irrepressibly dull at the moment.

On the other hand, I was away last week in the New Forest with the family over Easter. This involved lots of walking, lots of food, quite a bit of chocolate, minor sunburn and me spending almost all my wages in Zara.

This week hasn't started so great. Work was a bit poo-on the one hand I now have a jazzy new work t-shirt, on the other I am a so-called 'Amber' or something, rather than 'Green' on this weird new Customer Service scale, and if I am not a Green by Saturday then I'd have to do some sort of Customer Service course (which I really don't have time for). Apparently, this is due to the fact that I don't greet every single customer I walk past, and thus am a Bad Worker. Or, just being myself, and I'm not naturally the type of person who finds it easy to just randomly talk to strangers. I'm fine on tills and that, its just the awkwardness of trying to catch people's eye in order to actually say something-rather than coming off as weird and talking to the clothes.

My parents seem sure I'll be fine, and that they'll make me a Green anyway to look good for Head Office. I'm not so sure. Whilst work are pretty shoddy at actually listening to anything their employees tell them, they do everything Head Office do. Urgh.


On another topic, its Election 2010 here in the UK. With NONE of the excitement of the recent US elections. Basically, its generally expected that there will be one outcome of the following: A) The Conservatives (led by David Cameron) will win (and the country will be doomed for four years) or B) There will be a hung parliament (no party has a majority) and then everyone would have to vote again.
My favourite party, the Liberal Democrats (led by Nick Clegg), are generally always counted out of any chance of them winning the election, due to their relative lack of seats in comparison to the Conservatives and Labour (ironic really, considering once upon a time it was just them and the Conservatives, and Labour came along wanting reform-now its the other way around).
The positive aspect of a hung parliament for Lib Dem supporters, is that it would finally give the public a clear idea of Lib Dem policies and possibly stand them in better stead for the next election.

P.S This blog entry by Clementine, roughly sums up how I feel at work sometimes as well.
P.P.S Blogger is failing to allow me to add pictures. Stupid thing...

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